Okay, I admit it. I’ve been pretty lax at posting anything here. The fact is that I’m so stressed out about the election that I’m trying to forget it as much as possible. Every day there’s news of voter manipulation, continuing chaos in Iraq, lying administrations and still, STILL, a 50% approval rating for the president.

Bush supporters are extremely misinformed, according to a survey published last week by the Program on International Policy Attitudes and Knowledge Networks.

You can read about it here.

What’s most striking (and disturbing) about the report is that it finds that Bush supporters continue to believe things about the Bush administration that have been repeatedly proven untrue.

Several theories have been presented to explain this.

Al Franken calls it Cognitive Dissonance, asserting that people want to vote for Bush so they reject the truth to better sleep at night.

Joe Conason says that after 9/11, Americans needed a hero, and George W. was that hero. As he led in the first few weeks after 9/11, the public raised him to mythical levels, and, when the truth started eroding the myth, they shored themselves up and began to live in a state of denial about the real man, lest it destroy their security in the myth.

I think they’re both right. I also think that pro-lifers want a pro-life president because they feel he will end abortion (not true), but cannot square what they’re seeing in this president with what their gut tells them they should be seeing, and so they twist their logic to accommodate his actions.

I’ll write more about the abortion equation later. I will also fill you in on a new project I’m undertaking.


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