Cross Purposes
I was in a Christian bookstore with my 7-year-old daughter recently when she picked up a cross with the American flag emblazoned across it, literally covering every inch of its surface. She stared at it for a moment, turned it over in her small, innocent hands and then looked up at me with a puzzled look on her face.
"What does Jesus' cross have to do with the American flag?" she asked me.
She's extremely bright, my daughter. So, after we got home I asked her to explain what she had meant in the bookstore.
"Well," she began, "Jesus died for everyone, right?"
"Right," I answered.
"Not just Americans?"
I could see where she was going with this, and I could see she had a point.
"No, not just Americans."
She looked at her feet, thought for a second and then looked up.
"Are there crosses with other people's flags on them?"
I doubted it, but told her I wasn't sure.