
Showing posts from November, 2003

You Don't Need an Ivy League Degree to Know Which Way Wind Blows

With the number of well-educated minds in Washington, D.C., the level of confusion there is very unsettling. For instance, I'm no economist, but I knew that cutting revenue while increasing expenses was going to lead to a huge deficit. I've seen this concept at work in my own household. I'm not a military strategist. I've never even been in the service. But I knew that sending American soldiers to "liberate" a country without that country's permission was going to lead to an increase in flag-draped coffins. My foreign relations experience is limited to - well, OK, I have no foreign relations experience, either. Yet I knew that if we went to war with a small nation's Keystone cops military in the Middle East, against the wishes of the United Nations, we would suffer increased tarnishing of our reputation. I'm not a historian, but it was painfully clear to me that Iraq had nothing to do with Sept. 11, contrary to the beliefs of most Ameri...